Monday, July 1, 2024

Book Summary : Journey of Hope Lucy's Odyssey by Lucy Njoki


In the lush countryside of Kenya, nestled among the hills, is the small village where Lucy's story begins. The vibrant community, though filled with love and support, is marked by economic hardship. Lucy, a young woman with a radiant smile and unwavering determination, dreams of a better life for her beloved daughter, Faith. The tale that unfolds is one of courage, sacrifice, and resilience as Lucy embarks on a journey that will take her far from home, across the Middle East, working as a housemaid. Her story, though filled with trials and tribulations, is ultimately one of hope and triumph, reflecting the strength of the human spirit.

Get your copy today and be inspired by Lucy's extraordinary journey!

Part 1: Dreams and Departure

Hope and Hurdles

Life in Lucy's village is challenging. Every day is a struggle to make ends meet, but Lucy's dreams for Faith keep her going. Faith, a bright and inquisitive child, is Lucy’s source of strength and inspiration. Lucy works tirelessly in the fields and the local market, earning just enough to support her family. Despite the hardship, Lucy holds on to her dream of providing a better future for Faith. Encouraged by stories of other women who found success working abroad, she makes the heart-wrenching decision to leave her family and travel to Saudi Arabia.

The Journey Begins

The journey to Riyadh is filled with mixed emotions. As the village gathers to bid her farewell, Lucy promises Faith that she will return with the means to secure a better life for them all. The journey is long and exhausting, but Lucy’s determination keeps her going. She travels by bus to the city, then flies to Riyadh, filled with hope and anxiety about the unknown challenges ahead.

Arrival in Riyadh

In Riyadh, Lucy is greeted by her employer, Fatima, a stern woman with high expectations. The luxurious house contrasts sharply with the small, windowless room Lucy is given. Her days are filled with endless chores, and Fatima's harshness makes the adjustment even more challenging. Despite the grueling work and the constant ache of homesickness, Lucy remains focused on her goal, reminding herself daily that she is doing this for Faith.

Bonds of Sisterhood

Lucy finds solace in the friendship of other housemaids in the neighborhood. Aisha from Nigeria, Rina from the Philippines, and Lila from India become her second family. They share their stories, offering each other comfort and support. Aisha’s words of encouragement remind Lucy of the importance of staying strong for Faith. The bonds of sisterhood provide a lifeline as Lucy navigates the challenges of her new life.

Part 2: Trials and Triumphs

Shadows in Beirut

After two years in Saudi Arabia, Lucy secures a new job in Beirut, Lebanon, hoping for better conditions. However, her new employer, Nadine, proves to be even more demanding and cruel. The luxurious mansion feels like a prison, and Lucy's loneliness intensifies. Yet, she finds a glimmer of hope in her friendship with Youssef, the kind gardener who offers her words of wisdom and encouragement. Despite the hardships, Lucy continues to send money home, ensuring Faith’s education and supporting her family.

A Glimmer of Hope

Lucy’s resilience is tested daily in Beirut. Nadine’s cruelty knows no bounds, but Lucy’s inner strength and the thought of Faith keep her going. One day, while out shopping for the household, Lucy meets an NGO worker who offers support to migrant workers. This encounter brings a glimmer of hope, and Lucy begins to see a possible escape from her dire situation. With the help of the NGO, Lucy plans her next move, hoping to find better opportunities.

Escape to Baghdad

With the help of the NGO, Lucy escapes Beirut and finds a new job in Baghdad, Iraq. The city, recovering from conflict, presents new challenges, including political instability and violence. Despite the difficulties, Lucy's resolve remains unbroken. She finds work with a family that treats her with more respect, and she begins to see a future where her dreams for Faith can become a reality. News of Faith excelling in school fuels Lucy's determination.

A New Dawn in Doha

Lucy's final destination is Doha, Qatar, where she finds better conditions and a more respectful employer. The Al-Thani family appreciates her hard work, offering her a raise and extra time off. Lucy takes evening classes to learn English, further improving her prospects. Her experiences in Doha bring a sense of stability and hope, and for the first time in years, Lucy allows herself to dream of a bright future.

Part 3: Homecoming and Hope

Return to Kenya

After five long years, Lucy returns to Kenya. The village welcomes her with open arms, and Faith runs into her embrace. With the money she has saved, Lucy builds a new home for her family and starts a small business. She enrolls Faith in a good school and continues her own education, determined to create a better future for both of them. The homecoming is bittersweet, as Lucy reflects on the sacrifices she made and the strength she found along the way.

New Beginnings

As Lucy sits on the porch of her new home, watching the sunset with Faith by her side, she feels a deep sense of fulfillment. She begins to tell Faith the story of her journey, a tale of courage, sacrifice, and unwavering love. Lucy's experiences have taught her the power of resilience and the importance of never giving up on one's dreams. She shares these lessons with Faith, hoping to inspire her to pursue her own dreams with the same determination.

Get your copy today and be inspired by Lucy's extraordinary journey!


First and foremost, I want to express my deepest gratitude to my family. To my parents, thank you for your unwavering support and for believing in me even when the road seemed impossible. Your love and guidance have been my constant source of strength.

To my precious daughter, Faith, you have been my inspiration and my driving force. Every step of this journey was taken with you in mind. Your bright smile and unwavering hope kept me going through the darkest times. I love you more than words can express, and I am so proud of the young woman you are becoming.

To my friends and fellow housemaids who became like family to me, thank you for your friendship, your kindness, and your solidarity. In a foreign land, amidst the struggles, you were my beacon of hope. Our shared moments of laughter and tears made the hardships bearable.

To the countless women who, like me, leave their homes and families in search of a better life abroad, I dedicate this book to you. Your courage, resilience, and determination are truly remarkable. May you find the strength to endure, the support you need, and the fulfillment of your dreams. Remember, you are not alone. We are a global sisterhood, bound by our hopes and dreams.

Lastly, to the readers of this book, thank you for taking the time to journey with me through my story. I hope that by sharing my experiences, I can shed light on the struggles and triumphs of migrant workers everywhere. Let this book be a testament to the power of perseverance and the enduring human spirit.

With heartfelt gratitude,


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